Our Mission

Our work seeks to supercharge recycling, reuse and composting in North London to reduce incineration. We want North London to manage its rubbish in the most climate friendly way. To end the current plan* to continue to burn our rubbish in incinerators beyond the end of our lifetimes.** North London can do better with more jobs, more economic opportunities and an improved environment. To end air pollution and treat our wastes as valuable resources.


Who we are

We are a voluntary and informal community group in North London that is working for the public benefit.

We are all residents in North London.

We live in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Hackney, Islington, and Waltham Forest.

We want to make things better. We want to create positive change.


*The North London Waste Plan made by the seven boroughs in North London sets out that in the next 15 years there will be no change in recycling and incineration is maintained as it is (https://www.nlwp.net).

**The new incinerator built as part of the North London Heat and Power Project is expected to be operational until at least 2050 and potentially until 2075 (http://www.northlondonheatandpower.london/).